




pTools™ and pTools™ Software are trading names of Parallel Internet Limited (Ire). All data, schemas and processes herein are confidential. Do not copy without agreement. Do not share or distribute without agreement. Copyright pTools™ - 5 Harcourt Road, Dublin 2 - 1 Primrose Street, London EC2 – www.ptools.com - connect@ptools.com - All rights reserved. pTools™ 2019.

Teravera™ and Teravera™ Software are trading names of Teravera Limited (UK). All data, schemas and processes herein are confidential. Do not copy without agreement. Do not share or distribute without agreement. Copyright Teravera™ - 1 London Bridge, London SE1 – www.teravera.com - connect@teravera.com - All rights reserved. Teravera™ 2019.